For much of LBT 2, Strut actually tries to calm Ozzy down.
Strut: Calm down Ozzy. It was just an egg. Ozzy: It was NOT just an egg you imbecile, it was our dinner! (Whacks Strut with his tail)
Strut: Do you think the Sharptooth got those kids? Ozzy: I hope so!
Anyway, one gets the impression that Strut would rather be eating green food than stealing eggs, chasing five meddlings kids and their Sharptooth hatchling, etc. But Ozzy keeps making him come along and Strut isn’t brave enough to stand up to Ozzy.
However, later on, when Ozzy is coming after the kids, it almost seems that Strut is laughing maniacally.
Also, later on, it is STRUT who suggests throwing Littlefoot off the Great Wall (though perhaps that was a mercy move for Littlefoot, as Strut knew Ozzy was going to do something unpleasant no matter what, and Strut may have been unnerved by the lava bath suggestion earlier.) Also, Strut tries to strangle Chomper.
So, do you think Strut truly is bad or just suffering from being around his nasty brother?
I mean, Strut seems that, if not for Ozzy, he’d probably just help himself to the green food in the Great Valley. Being bullied by Ozzy for being different than him has GOT to be having an effect on Strut.
I kind of feel sorry for Strut. As for Ozzy, he’s about in the same category as Sierra: wishing kids get eaten by Sharpteeth, planning to harm Littlefoot in some nasty way with those claws of his, planning to give the kids lava baths, and being the one actually about to throw Littlefoot off the Great Wall. Clearly murdering a bunch of kids isn’t below him if he gets his egg. At least in Sierra’s case, it was a promise of a stone that supposedly gave one lots of power. In Ozzy’s case, it was just over a HATCHED (as far as Ozzy and the others knew), egg, and the bad luck that the kids were yelling (about Chomper trying to find him) at the time when Ozzy and Strut tried to steal eggs from a Flyer nest.
I mean, of all the LBT villians so far, Ozzy is the one that stands the LEAST to gain by gaining the kids (he cannot eat them for food), they aren't in his way for world domination, etc. Heck, Littlefoot wasn't even harming him at all when he grabbed him near the end. Though I wish Strut had refused to help Ozzy. I'm just wondering if Strut went along because he was afraid of Ozzy rather than that he actually wanted to kill Littlefoot.