Land Before Time Wiki
Land Before Time Wiki
Land Before Time Wiki

I have a plan, and I hope it works.  One time, I was able to get a popular book, the third Rush Revere book, by staking out the library checkout thingy and somehow booking it even BEFORE it was released, hence I got it eihter the day it came out or the day after.  I plan to do something simialr with Journey of the Brave.  And, as this one seems to have less fanfare than the ohter ones due ot the 8 year gap, I think I might face less competiton.  (As for the Rush Revere one, somehow I got the great luck to be the first one in the whole state to get it.  Hope to do the same thing with Journey of the Brave.)

I could just buy it, but I plan to get it, along wiwth perhaps ohter videos at the library.  If I go to the Wal Mart, which I'm trying to boycott Wal Mart for all the evil things that company does, then I'd have to bring it up to my family and also it might be more ackward to buy a LBT vidoe when you're 26 (actually, I'm getting closer to 27.)