Land Before Time Wiki
Land Before Time Wiki

DisAccountEsDeead DisAccountEsDeead 11 May 2022

What do you think of the idea of these being in LBT in future installments?

1.) Actually showing Bron and them return to the Great Valley (going back through Featherhead Land and all) after Journey of the Brave?

2.) Pterano and Etta marrying and giving Petrie a new cousin.

3.) Ozzy and Strut returning.

4.) Dil and Ichy meeting Rinkus and Sierra and the four stopping to talk long enough that somehow they'd realize that they all hated Littlefoot & Co and formed an alliance

5.) Guido finding another microraptor (a female).

6.) It turning out that Cera's mother and siblings had died, not from Sharpteeth or other stuff like the Great Earthshake or lack of food, but from an accident, where Mr. Threehorn, following his stand tough attitude, had not backed down from a tough situation with other Threehorns when low on food a…

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DisAccountEsDeead DisAccountEsDeead 1 February 2022

Who would win these fights?

I am seriously considering using them all in my LBT finale section.

1.) full-grown Littlefoot vs. a full-grown daughter of the original Sharptooth

2.) the original Sharptooth vs. BOTH of Chomper's parents (technically it's possible. They were living outside the Great Valley and Sharptooth was present there before the kids had found him near the end of the first movie. It's possible that Sharptooth and Chomper's parents could have encountered each other before Littlefoot & Co killed him.

3.) Full-grown Littlefoot vs. full-grown Chomper

4.) Rinkus and Sierra vs. Petrie and Pterano

5.) Ruby vs. a Crownhead (one of those things in the Mountains that Burn)

6.) a full-grown Chomper vs. a brother of the original Sharptooth

7.) Ozzy vs. Strut


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DisAccountEsDeead DisAccountEsDeead 15 August 2021

Finding Character Info

This could be helpful for the wiki.

Characters that ended up (fully) inside the mouth of a Sharptooth: Petrie (in I and X), Ichy (IV), Littlefoot (VI), and Guido (XII).

Characters that were bitten by a Sharptooth: Littlefoot's Mother (I), Cera (II), Strut (II), one of Chomper's parents (when they went for Ducky, II), Dil (IV), Plated Sharptooth (V, first by Chomper, then by himself, and later by Chomper's father), (not sure if the Plated Sharptooth bit Chomper's parents or just slashed them with hsi claws on his hands and feet), Bron (X), and Chomper (TV Series). (I suppose you could say some of Pterano's herd was bitten when they got eaten, but let's not go there.)

Characters who are bilingual: Chomper, Dil and Ichy (likely), Mo, Ruby…

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DisAccountEsDeead DisAccountEsDeead 17 April 2021

Ranking LBT movies

I have the following categories: Strongest, Good, Fair, Poor

Obviously, the first movie gets the ranking of Strongest.

The ones that get Good are: 4, 5, 7, and 10

The ones that get Fair are 2, 3, 8, 12, and 14 (14 was closer to Poor though)

The ones that get Poor are : 6, 9 (which was closest to Fair) , 11, and 13.

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DisAccountEsDeead DisAccountEsDeead 15 March 2021

What would these LBT characters have on their Houtube channels if they had them

If Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Chomper, Ruby, Ali, Guido, Mo, Littlefoot's mother, Bron, Tria, Mr. Threehorn, Tricia, Rhett, Shorty, Rinkus, Sierra, Dil, Ichy, Grandpa Longneck, Grandma Longneck, Hyp, Doofah, Sharptooth, Chomper's father, Ptearno, Mr. Thicknose, Tippy, Etta, Wild Arms, Big Daddy, and Ozzy.

I personally think Spike would have cooking shows and Mo would have channels of people pulling pranks.

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