Many plants have been mentioned and have appeared over the course of the Land Before Time movies and TV series.
Treestars - This is one of the favorite foods of the inhabitants of the Great Valley, the other being tree sweets. They are so called since they are shaped somewhat like stars. They appear in The Land Before Time movies, and the TV series. In human terms, they are leaves from a sycamore tree.
Red Treestars[]
Red Treestars - These appear in "The Meadow of Jumping Waters". They are mentioned by Ruby as being rare and very sweet. Petrie believes that eating red treestars brings bad luck since he heard a story told to him by his uncle Pterano, though Spike finds them tasty. Red Treestars are the possible dinosaur word for modern day maple leaves.
Ground Stars[]
Ground Stars - These appeared in The Hermit of Black Rock inside a cave where Guido and Petrie were trapped at the time. It is seen within a cave with an opening higher up so some sunlight can shine on it. It looks like a type of bush with leaves that resemble treestars.
Ground Prickly[]
Ground Prickly - a plant that grows on the ground. It is show briefly as a vine that is along the ground with many round parts growing out of them with spines. It is on one of these that Littlefoot steps on in the TV episode "The Meadow of Jumping Waters". In human terms, it is generally called a burr.
Night Flowers[]
Night flowers were special flowers that the gang, along with Ali, went to the Land of Mists to bring back so Littlefoot's Grandpa could eat them and be cured in the 4th movie, Journey Through the Mists. They bloom only at nighttime. They greatly resemble modern members of the flower genus Datura.
Stinky Flowers[]
These flowers are found growing on the island where the gang encounter Chomper for the second time. Their smell hides the smell of Chomper's friends, so his parents are unable to smell them. Spike eats some with no visible ill effect, except for apparent bad breath. Petrie finds he likes the taste of them on some berries. They appear in the 5th Land Before Time movie, The Mysterious Island. They are probably foul-smelling roses without the thorns or ancestors of the rose.
Sweet Bubbles[]
These appear in The Star Day Celebration and is revealed to be Ruby's favorite food. They grow on vines hidden in the Sheltering Grass. They look like modern day grapes.
Hard water sweets[]
These appear in Through the Eyes of a Spiketail. They are a rare fruit that grow underneath the snow at the top of Gutsy Canyon, and can only be found on the first day of the cold time. They are described as "cold and crunchy" at first, but "juicy and sweet after biting down." All the dinosaurs who tried it loved it, including even the carnivorous Chomper. Mr. Thicknose referred to them as "sweet bubbles covered by hard water," though this is likely a very loose use of the term, as they clearly look different from the sweet bubbles mentioned above.
Tree Sweets[]
This is an umbrella term that can refer to various tree fruits or flowers depending on the context.
This refers to a certain type of fruit, and a pink flower that grows on trees. In The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses, this refers to a specific flower on a specific tree. In the TV series this refers to any sort of fruit that grows on a tree that is edible.
There are also yellow-colored fruits that have appeared in a few episodes of The Land Before Time TV series. Some of these fruits that grow on trees resemble the modern day papaya with its shape, yellow exterior and red interior. And some have green juice inside. They are a favorite food of many of the Great Valley inhabitants, the other being Tree Stars. The odor of the tree sweets is fragrant to herbivorous dinosaurs but foul to carnivorous creatures. Thus, tree sweets act as a sort of repellent against predator attacks.
In one of the episodes, these Tree Sweets can also be used as gifts from one spouse to another like Topps and Tria on their special day, which is implied in the prologue of the episode The Great Running Log Game.
In Through the Eyes of a Spiketail, there is a type of grape-like tree sweet that looks very similar to sweet bubbles. However, they grow on trees and have brown leaves, while sweet bubbles grow on vines and have green leaves.
Sweet Roots[]
They were mentioned in "The Bright Circle Celebration". It's possible that they are just regular tree roots.
Various unnamed fruits on the Mysterious Island[]
These appear in The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island.
As the song Friends for Dinner begins, Chomper starts gathering these fruits he sees.